Master Degrees in which the Department participates.
Master of Engineering in Energy
The Master of Engineering in Energy is an inter-character Master Officer, approved by the Catalan Generalitat and published in the Official Gazette (Nº 142/2007), which belongs to the Graduate Program "Energy Engineering" at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and allowing access to Doctoral Programs "Science and Environmental Technologies" and "Advanced Technologies and Engineering" of the University of Barcelona (UB).
This course provides an answer to current energy problems from different perspectives: resources, production technologies, energy transportation and distribution, environmental impact, efficiency, rational use and savings, among others. About extend these studies to reach the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze case studies and project management of generation, transformation, distribution and consumption of various energy sources.
This course provides an answer to current energy problems from different perspectives: resources, production technologies, energy transportation and distribution, environmental impact, efficiency, rational use and savings, among others. About extend these studies to reach the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze case studies and project management of generation, transformation, distribution and consumption of various energy sources. link in spanish)
Master of Polymers and Biopolymers
The Technical University of Catalonia, the Rovira and Virgili University and the University of Girona give together, from the course 2007-2008, the Official Master in Polymers and Biopolymers degree. This Master is of 120 ECTS and has two itineraries: Professional (P) and Research (R).
The Polymers are materials practically used nowadays in all the production areas. The possibility of an engineer or a chemistry graduate develops his own professional work in the polymeric materials area is very high. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary of the productivity processes and the mutability of the markets make that each time is more frequent that graduates in no chemistry degrees get into the polymers sector.
On the other hand, the innovation in the polymers area represents all over the world a R+D activity in its very peak. The demand of staff with training in research by the companies is increasing slowly but in an inflexible way, attending the inevitable necessities of innovation that an industrial world, each time more competitive, imposes.
(Temporarily: links in catalan)

Academic information
The Master has the objective to provide an advanced training in the sustainable human development area, which allows to understand the complex interactions between the society, the technology, the economy and the environment to be able to face up the urgent social and environmental challenges that sustainability proposes: climatic change, exhaustion of the natural resources, N-S imbalances, environmental justice, etc. This Master will train enterprising professionals and agents for the changing to the sustainability, who, depending in their specialization, will be able to design and evaluate global and sustainable solutions for the actual environment by working in different contexts (cultural and professional) in an interdisciplinary way and with scientific and technical rigor.
Informació acadèmica